Wednesday 13 August 2014


Hey Ab :)

Hmm, this week has been a little difficult thinking of a purpose for my post to address, mostly because I don’t have the resources for another surprise visit, nor do I have the energy to do the post I actually wanted to (Spoiler: Next week might be good.. we’ll see).

I’ve been struggling with a combination of bloggers block (despite the dirty name, its actually a thing) and sleeplessness due to the full moon frenzy, so I've had to think of a few ways to make my life seem a little more put together. So low and behold, here is Jordan’s list of tips and tricks to make ones life more liveable.

Quotes: for inspiration and motivation. Potential cheesiness factor is way up there but for me, this just works.
I have a chalkboard on my desk and I regularly change up the motivational prompt it displays to me. Here is a picture of todays meaningful message.

I follow @thegoodquote on Instagram too. Their posts are quite frequent and very hit and miss, but I do enjoy them nevertheless. If I ever see a post that particularly resinates with me, I tend to screenshot it for later. These are some of my favourites from this week <3

Water: I was on the hunt for a glass water bottle for the longest time. Sounds silly but I knew that I’d know when I’d know the right one when I saw it …and baby, was I right!
This bad boy is from Lululemon and whilst yes it was quite pricey, I regret nothing. Its perfect for uni, the gym and just life in general, and being glass means no nasty chemicals. The last great fact about carrying a water bottle means I am drinking a lot more water which is obviously good for my health but it is also great for my skin which, lets be real, needs all the help it can get.
#LIFEHACK: Adding fruits to my water bottle makes it look pretty and taste pretty!

On the subject of skin, I’ve been putting in extra effort.. trying to make it much better. Ive got a bit of a confession to make.. I spent wayyy to much money on this bad boy but after 2 days, I can already see and feel the difference so I cant say it wasn’t money well spent. Meet Mia. She is a Clarasonic and she is a miracle worker. Ab, I definitely recommend you saving up and purchasing one of these! You and I were both blessed with less than desirable skin genes so I think its up to us to figure out what works best for us, and this here makes life a heck of a lot easier!!
I might even post some before and after pics one day.. we'll see! :P

Make a new playlist. The theme/ genre of mine drastically change week to week, but that helps make life interesting. Last week I was belting out the Les Mis soundtrack and this week I’ve got a pop soundtrack on the go. Depending on how busy and moody I am, my song preference will change to compliment me.

Change the lock screen on your phone. I’ve recently changed mine to a cute SnapChat that I took a screenshot of. Its cute, quite ambiguous and it has meaning to it so I just love it. And lets be real, how many times a day do we check our phone? A bit of variety is definitely needed on the locked screen front. 
Recognise it, Ab? :P

Well yep, these are a few of the things I’ve been doing recently to make my daily routine little spicier? No that doesn’t sound quite right. These are some things I’ve been doing to add little oomph into my mundane everyday flurry.

What things do you do in your everyday life that make boring things seem a little bit fresher and more enjoyable, Ab?

Hope you’ve had a nice week J Bet it will be nice having Dad back home!
I will be booking my flights tonight for my visit in 2 weekends time! I’ve actually figured out my outfit for the special event, I’ll have to keep you posted ;)

Anyhoo, love you LOTS! (as always)

J xx

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